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Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Graduation Requirements

An OSSD is required to apply to Canadian and American universities. The OSSD is granted to students who earn a minimum of 30 credits.  For courses taken at another school and successfully completed, credit may be transferred.  Thus, students need only complete the remaining courses required for graduation in order to graduate.  To receive the OSSD, students must:

  • Complete 18 compulsory and 12 optional credits

  • Complete 40 hours of community involvement activities

  • Pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test written after completing Grade 9

  • Students must complete at least 30 credits (courses) at the secondary school level

  • Each credit has 110 instructional hours

  • Graduates may study up to 330 hours (110 hours×3) of Mathematics which include Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors and Data Management

  • University preparatory graduates are awarded the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

University Admission
  • OSSD graduates can apply to a university to be accepted without undergoing further public examinations

  • OSSD graduates need to submit their final marks of at least 6 of their courses taken at Miniversity to be admitted to university 

  • Students must hold an OSSD that includes at least 6 Grade 12/University Preparatory level credits

Ontario is the Most Popular Destination for International Students
  • Over 60% of international students in Canada study in Ontario

  • Ontario has the largest number of universities (20) and post-secondary colleges (24) in Canada

Miniversity encourages prospective students to apply online. All application inquiries will be responded to by the earliest business day

Apply online

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