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English as a Second Language

This program is of particular interest to groups of people who want to live and study in Toronto for a short period of time. Learn English and experience Canadian Culture and History! Miniversity delivers one of the largest English as a Second Languages programs in North America.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program is designed to help adults improve English language skills through classroom instruction and immersion in Canadian life and culture. With a focus on the four basic skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking, classroom topics include:

  • listening for comprehension and detail;

  • improving the art of conversation;

  • expressing emotion and resolving conflict;

  • getting and giving information;

  • public speaking with clarity and confidence;

  • improving pronunciation.

As part of the cultural experience, there are opportunities for field trips to famous sites such as the CN Tower, Art Gallery of Ontario, Niagara Falls, Royal Ontario Museum and Toronto’s Kensington Market.

ESL Courses

Course Title: English as a Second Language, Level 1
Course Code: ESLAO
Grade: 9 to 12
Course Type: Open
Prerequisite: None
This course builds on students’ previous education and language knowledge to introduce them to the English language and help them adjust to the diversity in their new environment. Students will use beginning English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday and essential academic purposes. They will engage in short conversations using basic English language structures and simple sentence patterns; read short adapted texts; and write phrases and short sentences. The course also provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to begin to adapt to their new lives in Canada.


Course Title: English as a Second Language, Level 2
Course Code: ESLBO
Grade: 9 to 12
Course Type: Open
Prerequisite: ESL Level 1 or equivalent (“Equivalent” may be an equivalent course of study in other provinces in Canada or in other countries, or a proficiency level determined through initial assessment.)
This course builds on students’ previous education and language knowledge to introduce them to the English language and help them adjust to the diversity in their new environment. Students will use beginning English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday and essential academic purposes. They will engage in short conversations using basic English language structures and simple sentence patterns; read short adapted texts; and write phrases and short sentences. The course also provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to begin to adapt to their new lives in Canada.


Course Title: English as a Second Language, Level 3
Course Code: ESLCO
Grade: 9 to 12
Course Type: Open
Prerequisite: ESL Level 2 or equivalent (“Equivalent” may be an equivalent course of study in other provinces in Canada or in other countries, or a proficiency level determined through initial assessment.)
This course further extends students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English for a variety of everyday and academic purposes. Students will make short classroom oral presentations; read a variety of adapted and original texts in English; and write using a variety of text forms. As well, students will expand their academic vocabulary and their study skills to facilitate their transition to the mainstream school program. This course also introduces students to the rights and responsibilities inherent in Canadian citizenship, and to a variety of current Canadian issues.


Course Title: English as a Second Language, Level 4
Course Code: ESLDO
Grade: 9 to 12
Course Type: Open
Prerequisite: ESL Level 3 or equivalent (“Equivalent” may be an equivalent course of study in other provinces in Canada or in other countries, or a proficiency level determined through initial assessment.)
This course prepares students to use English with increasing accuracy in most classroom and social situations and to participate in society as informed citizens. Students develop the reading, writing, and oral presentation skills required for success in all subjects. Students study and interpret a variety of grade-level texts, develop oral communication skills through participation in informal debates and seminars, and extend their range of research skills.


Course Title: English as a Second Language, Level 5
Course Code: ESLEO
Grade: 9 to 12
Course Type: Open
Prerequisite: ESL Level 3 or equivalent (“Equivalent” may be an equivalent course of study in other provinces in Canada or in other countries, or a proficiency level determined through initial assessment.)
This course prepares students for secondary school English and other courses at the college and university preparation levels. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in reading literary works and academic texts, in writing essays and narratives, and in applying learning strategies and research skills effectively. Students will also learn to respond critically to print and media works.

Miniversity encourages prospective students to apply online. All application inquiries will be responded to by the earliest business day

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